Reclaimed & Unashamed

Fighting Pornography With Science and Finding Healing Through Chronic Pain

Kolton Thomas Episode 4

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In this episode, we explain why the science behind porn recovery is so crucial for overcoming it. In the midst of other challenges we face in life, such as chronic pain and depression, porn can become even more alluring as an escape or a solution to our problems. That's why it's important to understand the science and how it can help us persevere in times when the struggle is real. Learning about how our body is capable of healing, adapting, and rebalancing can be empowering when it feels like we are losing hope.

Later in this episode, Kolton also shares a personal story about his struggle with chronic pain and his experience being treated in a clinical setting with the drug ketamine.  Kolton shares what he learned and took away from the experience, as well as how it opened his eyes to the importance of optimizing the chemicals in our brain and the hormones in our body.

This episode begins an important series on the science and psychology behind porn addiction and why it's applicable to faith-based men. 

If you'd like to read more about ketamine and how it's being used to treat chronic pain and depression, you can read more at Harvard Health by clicking this link here:

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